Nigerian Prophet T.B. Joshua has released a controversial
video via his official YouTube channel claiming to expose the dark and
secret activities of the infamous Illuminati cult.
The video,
which has already racked up well over 150,000 views since its release
last month, shows the ‘deliverance’ of a young man from three demons
which confessed the satanic tricks of the renowned cult which many
famous musicians allegedly belong to.
Before any music of
Illuminati members is released to the public, the video alleges, strange
incantations are rendered by satanic worshippers in secret chambers
around the world, giving ‘demons’ access to manipulate its listeners.
we sing, we twist the mind and the soul of the human body to have 100%
lust for vanity, music, sex and anything that is sinful,” the ‘demons’
confessed in the clip. “Such souls will always look for beer parlours,
clubs, prostitution houses or anything that involves sin but does not
involve the Righteous One.”
The demons, which claimed the pagan
goat god ‘Baphomet’ was the ‘master’ of the Illuminati revealed being
part of the cult was akin to worshipping at a satanic church, being a
member of the AMORC Rosicrucian Order or the Ku Klux Klan.
to the video, adopting certain hand signs popularly used by rappers
when ‘free-styling’ were simply “a way of rendering glory, power,
adoration and above all, loyalty to the master” as well as being a
declaration that your soul was ready to be possessed by demons.
Emmanuel TV clip also revealed certain ‘catalysts’ that triggered
increase in the Illuminati’s influence in one’s life, particularly
citing the intake of alcohol and drugs. It further divulged that the
symbol on a dollar bill of an eye atop pyramids was their satanic sign
which literally ‘billions’ were under the influence of.
young man who was exorcised of the demons, Mr Innocent Ochia from Imo,
Nigeria is then shown in the clip sharing his eye-opening confession in
Joshua’s church. He explained that he came from a Christian home but
became a drug addict in university through the influence of his cousin
who was a cultist.
“The drugs blotted out everything that had to
do with God within me,” Innocent explained, adding that he subsequently
became addicted to ‘listening to all types of worldly music’ which then
signaled the beginning of some ‘strange encounters.’
explained an encounter one day at a club when three strange men sat
beside him and began ‘reading his thoughts’. “I was saying in my head
that I wish I could be a popular musician,” Innocent recounted, shocked
when the man sitting opposite told him that he could show him the secret
of such success if he was ready to pay the price.
“I never
spoke out loud to them; they were reading my every thought. It was as if
the gateway of my mind was open to see what was going on inside there,”
Innocent explained. The ‘price’ involved a ritual which would initiate
Innocent into the dark world of the Illuminati.
After Innocent
signaled his readiness, the mind-reader removed his shirt to reveal a
tattoo with the pyramid symbol emblazoned across his chest.
then stopped speaking to me orally and started speaking through his
mind. He said that I should look at the tattoo and lust after it, as if I
was being seduced by a lady.” Innocent obeyed and soon noticed the man
‘moaning�� as if someone was sexually satisfying him.
regaining his senses and realising the disgusting nature of his actions,
Innocent stood up and tried to leave the scene. He was instantly
threatened with death since the initiation was not complete.
Dark dreams followed this encounter. “In my dream, I kept seeing a being
manifesting with the face of somebody I knew who told me I would never
be successful until I finished that initiation,” he explained.
further added that he began hearing strange voices whenever he listened
to secular music. “I was able to decipher song lyrics as if they were
sent straight to me. They would tell me what to do, how to dress, how to
manipulate people; they put me in a trance.”
Innocent began
moving with a certain air of uncommon fearlessness. “I loved anything
that portrayed the evil realm. I had this ego in me that grew and made
me walk as if I was a demi-god in society. Nobody would mess with me;
everybody was scared of me.”
However, his refusal to complete
the initiation brought stagnancy into Innocent’s life and career and his
dangerous drug abuse soon led him to rehab for nearly nine months.
was at this stage that Innocent visited The SCOAN and received his
‘deliverance’. “Ever since I was delivered, I have been able to sleep
well like a baby, without taking drugs,” Innocent testified. His word of
advice was candid: “Avoid drugs, alcohol, smoking and womanizing for
they give the devil access to you.”
Although no specific
individuals are named in the video, the activities highlighted expose
the extent to which the secret society has infiltrated today’s music
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