Thursday 5 June 2014


Nollywood actress, Adaorah Ukoh, is an actress whose name ring a bell any time ,any day due to his exploits in the make belief world. Adaorah has acted in so many movie including the block busted movie “Bla bra” which happened to be one of the movies that shoot her to stardom. He revealed to OBARO ITEWO  about her turbulent journey into the movie industry, the challenges of being an actress and many more.
Let meet you.
I am Adaorah Ukoh. I am a 2005 Law graduate of the University of Lagos. I hail from a family of four and I am from Anambra state.
How did you find yourself in the make belief world?
I started acting as a teenager. I have a friend then, more like an elder sister who lives in the neighborhood with me. I walk up to her and told her I actually wanted to act because I saw her acted in a movie titled “Nneka the pretty serpent” and at the same time I see her as a demi-god. So, I walk up to her and beg her for her assistance to get into the movie industry and that was how my journey started.
You walk up to her and beg her. Was it like you were desperate?
As a child then, its wasn`t something that have to do with desperation. It’s all about the excitement of being an actress and be the best you want to be. It all boil down to seeing somebody and looking up to be like that person. So, its wasn`t because I was desperate.
And your parents supported your coming into the scene?
They wasn`t. What my parents wanted is for me to go to school and become a professional. As at then, being a professional was either you become a lawyer, doctor or what have you. So, I went into the industry without their consent. A lot of time I receive several strokes of the cane for daring to be a part of the make belief world, but I will always find my way back again.
How will you describe your first experience on stage?
Its wasn`t hard. I have had the impression of what I was going to do but to me it was fun standing before the camera with the director giving you instruction on what to do. To me I felt I was just having fun. It was just like a hobby. I didn`t take it serious like what can put food on my table and I actually elk a living out of it.
Can you remember the number of movies you have acted?
I have lost count. They are many. I have done some good movies that can put me on the spot light.
Can you remember the number of years you have being in the industry?
I always want to talk about my professional years and that was when I came back after school and that was 2005 and that make it five years
Which of these movies actually shot you into limelight?
Black bra. That was the movie where I play the role of a campus cultist. I play the role so well that people started wondering if I wasn`t a cultist when I was in school and I didn`t notice that I actually put in my best so much
Of all the roles you have played which of them can you say is the most challenging?
Well, I can`t really say.  I am still aimmg higher and the same time aiming for more challenging role, but I think there is one particular role I play where I have to assume the character of three person. First being a young girl, a mother and then grand a grandmother. So, it wasn`t easy.
Do you believe that sexual harassment still exists in the industry?
It’s an old school story. From the direction the industry is going now, who is talking of sexual harassment. It was an issue that was overblown as far as i am concern. I don`t think it still exist in Nollywood because Nollywood is heading to a level of professionalism.
But some fellow actresses have admitted that it does still exist.
(Cuts-in) by who? I don`t know. I am waiting for the person that will come out and reveal the identity of the producer that have actually harassed her. Sexual harassment in Nollywood? I don`t think it’s exist anymore.
So you mean you never experience it and your rise in the industry was due to your professionalism.
I have never witness it and it have not happened to me so I can`t generalized based on mere rumour that have no basis. And for those who exchange sex for role, if any, I give them kudos.
Talking about your private life. Are you married?
What are you waiting for?
Do you want to marry me? (General laughter)
But you are in a relationship?
So, is it like you are searching?
I am single but not searching.
What about the numerous guys that have being associated with you?
For now they are not my priority not because of anything but because there are time in one’s life that you can say at this particular time these are the things you want to get involved in. there was a time I was involved in a relationship but right now I am involved in so many other things that I am working on.
How have you being able to cope without a man in your life?
I am not interested in men for now. My interest is all about projecting my career and getting to a particular level. When you set a standard for yourself every other thing will fall in place. It’s not about men. It’s about me and my career.
What about the news about a certain foreign based guy that has being spoiling you silly?
That was then. It was a rumour. The rumour was making the round and at that time I didn`t pay any attention to it.
So you mean it was a rumour and there was no element of truth in it?
I don`t know. Maybe you should ask those who started the fire
Where do you hoped to find yourself in the next four to five years?
I have a lot I have set out to achieve. I have a programme I am going to start very soon which will come on air very soon. It’s a forum and also an educative ad entertainment programme, which will be used to empower the younger generation. There a lot of people out there that have achieved so much that the camera have not accorded recognition which we will bring into limelight through the show. I have being working on that for over a year and I will go on air very soon. I am also trying to set up a fashion line for plum size women and men because I am a plum size. I am also involved in project alert, a charity organization protecting the female child against all sort of violent and discrimination. So in a couple of years, I have to realize all these, my TV programme, my clothing line and my career. So that is why I don`t have time for men as for now.
So how have you being able to cope without a man. At least body no bi firewood
Is that a big deal? I really want to know if that is a big deal. Is that supposed to be a part of the interview for the day? And I don`t want you to go and captioned this interview “Adaorah Ukoh says….” Whatsoever.
In the Africa setting, there is the general apprehension about a girl child at a certain age not being able to get a man and at least settled down.
(Cuts-in)So you want me to settle down. Are you concern about me?
But I think your parents must be concern?
(Chuckle) okay you wait until my parents speak. You are not my parents
Can you recall any event that shaped your life during your growing up years?
I came from a good background and I lost my dad at a very young age and before he died he impacted a whole lot of things into me. The determination of making it in life and the challenges that followed after I lost my dad go a long way in shaping me into the big girl that I am today. It was immediately after I lost my father that I just got admission into UNILAG to study law and before I got the admission when my father was still alive, he have always prefers I study law but that wasn`t my choice and this issue usually bring quarrel between both of us. The last jamb form that I bought, I included banking and finance my preferred choice but he deleted it and put law and eventually when I got admission it was Law that I was offered.
Any worst experience with fan?
Well, the problem might not be a fan but I just try to look at it as the effect it have on people. There was this movie where I play the role of a very girl and there was a time I walked into a shop and a little girl besides her mother saw me and started screaming so hard that her mother couldn`t even contain her. Even when I tried to get closer and cuddle her she ran away from me screaming. It took a whole lot of time before we were able to calm her down and besides, there was this woman who saw me in a market and attempted kicking me because of a particular role I play in one of these movies and it was really a big embarrassment for me that day. And also there are times when people will see me and begin to bless me. The fans reaction depends on the effect the movies have on them.
Saddest moment.
That was when I lost my dad
When are we going to see your own movie?
(Cuts-in) v-e-r-y soon. I am working on my script right now because a good movie starts with a good script, so my movie will be out soonest.

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