Saturday 5 July 2014

ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi breaks cover and tells followers 'we like killing our enemies'

Evil terror boss Abu Bakr ­al-Baghdadi came out of the shadows for the first time ­yesterday – in a dramatic video in which he glorifies the slaughter of innocent people.

The warlord whose jihad militants are behind hundreds of brutal killings in Syria and Iraq delivered a chilling sermon to fanatics.
His 15-minute rant was filmed at the grand mosque in the captured city of Mosul, northern Iraq.
Surrounded by henchmen and rows of Kalashnikovs, al-Baghdadi’s eyes appeared lifeless.
But his words were laced with hatred as he called on all Muslims to rise up and kill those who oppose him.
“Allah likes us to kill his enemies and make jihad,” he bellowed..

It was the first time the notoriously secretive and elusive leader of ISIS now seen as more powerful and feared even than al-Qaeda chiefs, had shown his face to the world publicly.
It is believed the video was ­released to rebuff reports that and it shows that ISIS (Islamic State in Iraq and Syria), which has proclaimed a caliphate called Islamic State is becoming more confident as it attempts to steamroller through Iraq and the Middle East.
The bloodthirsty rampage is being funded by £256million ­plundered from Mosul Central Bank.
Al-Baghdadi’s cocksure public ­appearance in Iraq’s second city ­contrasts with former al-Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden, who hid his location when recording messages.
Wearing a black turban and robe, al-Baghdadi – who claims to be ­descended from the Prophet Mohammed – is filmed slowly climbing stairs to a balcony, above which flies the black flag of the Islamic State.
Text on the video calls him: “Caliph Ibrahim, Emir of the faithful in the Islamic State.”
Al-Baghdadi used a a small twig to clean his teeth before launching into his speech – made during the first Friday prayers of Ramadan.
 Power: al-Baghdadi has an increasing number of followers
He urged the world’s Muslims to join the cause. Under his direction, the Islamic world would be ­returned to “dignity, might, rights and leadership”, the self-anointed “Caliph Ibrahim” announced.
Praising Sunni jihadists who have slaughtered thousands of rival Shia Muslims, beheading some, he called for the fight to ­continue and went on: “God has ­granted your ­brothers the Mujahideen victory and conquest after years of patience.
"The establishment of a caliphate is an obligation. The religion cannot be in place unless the sharia (law) is established. I am your leader, though I am not the best of you, so if you see that I am right, support me, and if you see that I am wrong, advise me.”
The video was released on a website known to be used by ISIS. Sources in Baghdad said it was genuine.
It spread rapidly across jihadi ­websites after it was posted online. Many militants took to social media to praise al-Baghdadi’s message and issue further threats. One, Abu Bakr al-Janab, wrote: “He gave the most honest speech and promises.”
Isis map islamic state
Map of the proposed regions of an Islamic state, translated into English.
  Experts believe ISIS has surpassed al-Qaeda as the world’s most ­dangerous Islamic group and its success has proved attractive to foreign jihadists, including many from Britain.
As many as 500 Britons may have travelled to Syria and Iraq to join the ranks of ISIS. The Government fears many will return to the UK after being trained in terror.
The group’s takeover of Mosul last month sent shockwaves through the international community.
And it instantly made ISIS the world’s richest terror group.
Al-Baghdadi is not believed to have appeared on video before and there are just two known photographs, one dating from his time in a US detention camp in Iraq from 2005 to 2009.
On his release into Iraqi custody, he reportedly told US officials: “I’ll see you in New York.”
Other Sunni Muslim leaders ­dismissed al-Baghdadi’s declaration of a caliphate and accused him of ­violating Islamic law.

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